Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Hugo Park strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. We have and will continue to be committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisation or in any of our supply chains. We expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.
We operate a number of internal policies to ensure that we minimise the risk of harm associated with modern slavery and related matters such as unsatisfactory working conditions and discrimination. These policies are also designed, more generally, to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. The policies include:
We require all our suppliers to make a number of contractual commitments to us as part of the supplier terms and conditions that they sign. These include that they will adhere to all applicable laws regulating child working and bonded labour, that they will not under any circumstances engage on any basis any person under the legal working age, and that they will maintain appropriate workplace health,
safety and welfare conditions. Breach of these commitments is one of the grounds for termination of the supplier relationship. Our suppliers also agree to assist and cooperate with us on any due diligence checks, audits and inspections that we may undertake to verify their compliance with these commitments.
We conduct due diligence checks and inspections on our suppliers, both before we start working with them and on an on going basis. Our due diligence activities include the following:
We request all suppliers to provide us with copies of any third party audit reports they have regarding their business processes and internal quality systems. Our sourcing team reviews all reports submitted, and works with the suppliers to agree and implement appropriate actions to correct any issues identified in such reports.
We have evaluated the personnel practices and working conditions of our existing suppliers through a combination of written questionnaires, oral discussions and site visits.
Our sourcing and quality teams, who are based in the UK, China, India and Vietnam, carry out periodic visits to, and inspections of our suppliers. They also work with our suppliers to resolve any issues that are identified through such visits and inspections, such as through improvements to factory processes, within a reasonable timeframe. On occasion, visits and inspections may be unannounced, particularly if there is a history of previous non-compliance.
We recognize that our commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery is a continual journey, and we will continue to review and, where necessary, modify our processes on a regular basis.
- 1ST JUNE 2021